GSCS Education Support Professionals are the heartbeat of our school communities. To the people who drive the buses, clean the buildings, prepare the meals and many, many more, we salute each of you for the important work you do for students every day! #EducationSupportProfessionalsDay
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
Educational Support Professional Icons
All GSCS schools and offices will be closed November 20-24 for Thanksgiving break. Happy Thanksgiving from GSCS!
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
GSCS needs your input on "What factors need to be considered when deciding the school calendars for the next two school years?". To gather your feedback, we're using a tool called ThoughtExchange. All of our voices matter, so your participation is crucial and valued. Click here to participate: You'll be asked to respond to one open-ended question, consider and assign stars to some of the ideas shared by others (20 to 30 is ideal), and learn what's important to the group. Your thoughts and stars are confidential. You can come back as often as you'd like to participate and, in fact, we ask that you do come back to star some of the new ideas shared since you first participated. The ratings will help us understand the most important areas to focus on. Thank you in advance for your help and input.
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
calendar and QR code
We're celebrating #AmericanEducationWeek! Let’s celebrate public education and honor the educators ensuring that every student receives a quality education. Thank you to the GSCS educators & school staff who have dedicated themselves to preparing the next generation for the future! #AEW2023
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
megaphone shouting american education week
GSCS is having a Classified Job Fair on Wednesday, November 15, from 3:15-5:15 p.m. in the South Cafeteria. Use the QR code to register or just show up!
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
job fair qr code
GSCS Homegrown Educator Spotlight: Thank you, Mrs McGavin and Mrs. Wilson, for your commitment to our scholars and community. You are greatly appreciated!
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
GSCS would like to express our gratitude to all veterans for their service and sacrifice. Thank you! #VeteransDay
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
American Flag
The Board of Education meeting scheduled for November 9 has been canceled. The next board meeting will be held on December 5, 2023.
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
Yesterday, GSCS Superintendent Dr. Keith Simmons treated the district's Teachers of the Year to afternoon tea. Everyone enjoyed chatting and "spilling the tea" with their colleagues. These educators were also thanked for being the "best of the best" and representing their school on the superintendent's advisory council with a gift. Thank you to our Partner In Education, The Emerald Chandelier, for hosting this fun event.
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
superintendent with flower hat
food and tea
Teachers smiling
Superintendent speaking to TOTYs
Superintendent speaking to TOTYs
Teachers cheersing tea cups
Teachers drinking tea
Teachers drinking tea
Superintendent speaking to TOTYs
This week, November 6-10, let's show appreciation for our wonderful school psychologists. GSCS School Psychologists are dependable, responsive, resourceful and most importantly COMMITTED to the success and education of our students! During #SchoolPsychWeek show some extra love, gratitude and appreciation for your school's psychologist! #NSPW23 The 2023 National School Psychology Week theme, "Let's Grow Together," is inspired by the importance of both personal and shared strengths in our growth as individuals and school communities in every season of life. The theme recognizes four aspects of growth that are fundamental to effective learning environments and to school psychologists' role in supporting student well-being and learning.
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
head shots of school psychologist
HOW TO REDUCE YOUTH VIOLENCE IN OUR COMMUNITY? YOUR THOUGHTS ARE NEEDED! Our schools, neighborhoods and community play an integral role in shaping the future of our students, and together we have the power to foster positive change. Youth violence is something that affects us all; many of you have been impacted by violence. It is not confined within the walls of our schools; it has ripple effects throughout our community and vice versa. We want to gain deeper insights into the areas and ideas to reduce violence in our community. We value your input and are using ThoughtExchange so everyone has a chance to share their perspectives. Participate in the ThoughtExchange by scanning the QR code or by clicking this link: Please share your thoughts and then rate at least 20-30 of the thoughts that others have shared. Your participation is confidential, so no one will know who shared or rated which thoughts. Please be polite and respectful as you share and rate thoughts. Thoughts that are rude or hurtful may be removed from the conversation.
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
question marks
Friday, November 3, is an at-home learning day for all GSCS students.
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
GSCS Families, This is a reminder that tomorrow, Friday, November 3, is an at-home learning day for all GSCS students. Thank you!
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
Thank you to Marukan Vinegar for donating $10,000 to Griffin-Spalding Partners In Education! This money will help fund a REACH Scholarship, classroom/field trip grants, teacher tuition reimbursement scholarships and other support for our students and staff. Pictured (L-R): Marukan Vinegar Brewery Director Teddy Blalock and GSCS Superintendent Dr. Keith L. Simmons.
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
2 men holding a big check
HOW TO REDUCE YOUTH VIOLENCE IN OUR COMMUNITY? YOUR THOUGHTS ARE NEEDED! Participate using the QR code or this link: Our schools, neighborhoods and community play an integral role in shaping the future of our students, and together we have the power to foster positive change. Youth violence is something that affects us all; many of you have been impacted by violence. It is not confined within the walls of our schools; it has ripple effects throughout our community and vice versa. We want to gain deeper insights into the areas and ideas to reduce violence in our community. We value your input and are using ThoughtExchange so everyone has a chance to share their perspectives. Please share your thoughts and then rate at least 20-30 of the thoughts that others have shared. Your participation is confidential, so no one will know who shared or rated which thoughts. Please be polite and respectful as you share and rate thoughts. Thoughts that are rude or hurtful may be removed from the conversation.
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
text clouds with question marks
GSCS is in the planning phases for an Early Learning Program or Center. It is our vision to offer free and/or affordable preschool learning opportunities for three-year-olds within our district. We are assessing our employee and community needs, determining a location and planning the next steps. Please take a few moments to complete the survey with the QR code or at If you have questions or comments, please use our customer service platform Let'sTalk at
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
pre-k girl smiling
Thank you Central Georgia EMC for presenting GSCS with $23,700 for community development! Central Georgia EMC presented the checks this morning to GSCS, the development authority and the chamber at the Griffin Welcome Center. Thank you for supporting our community and school system! Pictured (L-R): GSCS Superintendent Dr. Keith Simmons, Griffin-Spalding Development Authority Executive Director David Luckie, Griffin-Spalding Chamber of Commerce President Michelle Boggus and Central Georgia EMC Key Accounts Executive Brandon Stooksbury
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
posing with large check
This week was National School Lunch Week! GSCS knows the importance of a healthy school lunch and its impact inside and outside the classroom! Thank you GSCS Nutrition staff for the excellent meals this week and every day! #NSLW23
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
2 lunch tray with fried chicken
GSCS was happy to have Henry County School (HCS) leaders visit our schools yesterday to see our Audio Enhancement System and discuss school safety. Pictured (L-R): HCS Director of Security and Safety Johnny Stafford, GSCS School Safety Coordinator Donald Britt, GSCS IT Director Lonny Harper, GSCS Network/Application Specialist Cody Hammond and HCS Supervisor of Safety and Security Kenneth Tucker.
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
school safety professionals standing in a classroom
Traversa Ride 360 is now available for parents and students to download on their Apple or Android mobile devices. Simply search the app store for “Traversa Ride 360” to download and register yourself on the app. This technology will replace VersaTrans MyStop. Traversa Ride 360 is designed so parents and students can access the student’s bus information in the fastest way possible. GPS technology on the bus works with Student Transportation to automatically calculate the timing of a bus route to give the most accurate route data with real-time updates. Parents and students may sign up for notifications to be automatically alerted about changes in a student’s bus status. Guardian User Guide: Guardian User Guide (Spanish):
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools