The Griffin-Spalding County School System will host a job fair for classified positions on Tuesday, September 12, 2023, from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. in the South Cafeteria located at 277 Poplar Street. Register to attend using the QR code on the image or at
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
bus driver helping students off bus
Reminder for GSCS Families: 1st Nine Weeks Mid-term Progress Reports will be issued tomorrow, Sept. 7.
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
progress reports issues Sept. 7
Today, at the Superintendent Advisory Meeting, GSCS Teachers of the Year are enjoying tea from our new Partner In Education Downtown Nutrition! Thank you for supporting our staff!
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
3 colored teas
teachers posing with teas
Today, at the Superintendent Advisory Meeting, GSCS Teachers of the Year are enjoying tea from our new Partner In Education Downtown Nutrition! Thank you for supporting our staff!
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
3 colored teas
teachers posing with teas
Today, at the Superintendent Advisory Meeting, GSCS Teachers of the Year are enjoying tea from our new Partner In Education Downtown Nutrition! Thank you for supporting our staff!
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
3 colored teas
teachers posing with teas
GSCS has continued to monitor the weather and has been participating, throughout the day, in briefings and updates with the Spalding County Emergency Management Agency and National Weather Service. At this time, we do not anticipate any local severe weather related to Hurricane Idalia. The forecasts do expect light rain or drizzle to continue throughout off and on throughout much of the evening. No operational changes are expected. All GSCS events (sports, etc.) will proceed as scheduled. We will continue to monitor the weather and update you if this changes. Thank you
over 1 year ago, Adam Pugh
Hurricane Idalia
Happy Labor Day! All GSCS schools & offices will be closed on Monday, September 4, 2023.
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
american flag lets celebrate Labor Day Sept. 4th
Griffin-Spalding Partners In Education is holding its 22nd Annual Partners In Education Golf Tournament on Friday, September 29, at the Griffin City Park Golf Course. All proceeds benefit the students and teachers of GSCS by providing field trip/classroom grants and teacher scholarships. Please consider sponsoring/participating. We would love your support! Sponsorship Form: Questions? Email More info. on PIE visit
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
golf ball, kids with school bus, golf carts
We are loving our new app! Access documents, news updates and even emergency notifications, right from your pocket. Download for Android Download for iPhone
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
app marketing image
GSCS transportation is resuming at 4:30 pm. The severe weather has passed and is now safe for busses. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
Spalding County is under a severe thunderstorm warning until 4:30 p.m. Buses have returned students to their schools until the storm passes. It is not safe to operate buses with wind above 40 mph and this storm had winds that reached 60 mph. The weather is moving from west to east and the area of high wind is nearing the east side of the county. Once the wind and weather has subsided we will resume bus transportation and notify parents. Thank you.
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
Reminder to all GSCS Families...This Friday, August 18, is an at-home learning day for all students.
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
@ Home Learning Day Friday August 18
Please help the GHS Band of Gold receive $10,000.00 for the band program! VOTE at Voting is unlimited, but only one vote per person, per hour, will be accepted. Voting ends tomorrow, Friday, August 11, at 5 PM.
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
band challenge logo
Reminder: Friday, August 18, is an at-home learning day for all GSCS students.
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
Keyboard with @ Home Learning Day Friday, August 18
We're thrilled to announce the new app for Griffin-Spalding County Schools! It's everything Griffin-Spalding County Schools, in your pocket. Download for Android Download for iPhone
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
web and app marketing instagram post
Tomorrow, August 1, is GSCS Day One in the District! Here is a reminder of the new bell schedule. To get your student's bus information, please use E-Link at *Use your Student ID number for BOTH the username and password Also, remember that the School Zone cameras operated by the city and county will be active again beginning tomorrow. The cameras will operate one hour before school begins and one hour after school concludes. See you tomorrow for Day 1!
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
Bell schedule with logo
The GHS Band of Gold, under the direction of Mr. Daniel Goodmond, entered the 1-800 TruckWreck 3rd Annual Greater Atlanta Band Challenge this summer. Bands submitted a performance video, as well as a brief bio of the program. I am happy to announce that the GHS Band of Gold has been selected as a Top 10 Finalist! Please help the GHS Band of Gold secure one of the top 3 spots in order to receive $10,000.00 for the band program, which is provided by the Witherite Law Group & 1-800 TruckWreck. You may vote for the GHS Band of Gold using the following link: Voting is unlimited, but only one vote per person, per hour, will be accepted. Voting began today, Monday, July 31, at 10 AM and will end on Friday, August 11, at 5 PM.
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
Hriffin High logo and music note
Attention GSCS Families: Open House is this afternoon from 3-7 p.m. at all GSCS schools. Come meet your teachers, get school supply list and get needed information on transportation, after-school program, etc. School starts on Tuesday, August 1st!
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
Back to School Open House Info.
A $10 technology fee will be collected by schools to cover damage to student devices. Only new students and students who did not pay last year will be responsible for this fee. To pay online visit:
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
laptop with tech fee info.
The GSCS Back to School Celebration brought all 1400+ staff together for a high-energy, inspirational, motivational kick-off to the 2023-24 school year! Student leaders welcomed the staff and were emcees for the event. Staff learned and laughed with Innovative Teaching, Learning and Leadership Consultant and Author George Couros, who was the keynote speaker. Staff were also entertained by the Atlanta Braves Heavy Hitters Drum Line and Educator and Comedian J. Cornelius George. A lot of staff recognition occurred with the naming of the 2023 Classified Employees of the Year, Counselor of the Year and Media Specialist of the Year. The 2023-24 Teachers of the Year were celebrated and the District Teacher of the Year was revealed and surprised with a new car for a year, thanks to the district's partnership with Cronic Nissan! Partners In Education Food Depot, the City of Griffin and Spalding County donated gift cards and gift baskets to 20 lucky staff members. Thank you to all community partners who helped make this event great, especially Oak Hill Church for their generosity, hospitality and support!
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
Student emcees on stage
George Couros speaking on stage
Braves drum line
superintendent and teacher with car keys
Principal and Teacher with new car