Your voice matters! Inviting all GSCS parents, students, staff, and community members to join our FY25 Stakeholder Input Meeting. We are seeking your input regarding the District-Level Title I Parent and Family Engagement Plan and District Plan (S-CLIP). See you on March 25th!
12 months ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
event flyer
Mark your calendars...GSCS Spring Break is April 1-5, 2024. All schools and offices will be closed that week.
12 months ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
See these helpful tips for bus stop and pedestrian safety.
12 months ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
students crossing street
March 11-15, 2024, is School Board Appreciation Week! Thank you Griffin-Spalding Board of Education Members for your leadership, support and commitment to the students and staff of the Griffin-Spalding County School System!
12 months ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
school board members with students
This year's Griffin-Spalding County District Reading Bowl at GRCCA saw ten elementary schools compete in a celebration of literacy and learning. Futral Road Elementary claimed first place, with Crescent Elementary School in second and Beaverbrook Elementary third. Thank you sponsors Slices Pizza and Innvision Hospitality. Congratulations to all of the students. Keep Reading! Futral Road: 5th graders: Bailey Bowen, Ryan Bowen, Lucy Folds, Coltin Ross, Ben Taylor, 4th graders: Callie Williams, Alayna Wilson, Coach: Leslie Benefield Crescent: 5th graders: Madelyn Clark, TJ Varnadoe, Makiya Price, Moriah Styler, Lochlann Wellman, 4th graders: Mykah Beard, Kynzie Ryan, Judah Huckaby, Larsen McLean, Coach: Rhonda Grubb Beaverbrook team: 5th graders: Jacob Medina, Eli Taylor, 4th graders: Connie Mosqueda, Mackenzie Justice, Bentley Mendez, Ashley Cruz-Ayala, Rubi Amezquita-Lopez, Coach Ashley Baldwin
about 1 year ago, Adam Pugh
Reading Bowl 1st Place Futral Road
Reading Bowl Competition
Reading Bowl 3rd Place, Beaverbrook
Reading Bowl 2nd Place Crescent
about 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
apple RESA logo
2024-25 GSCS Pre-K Registration is happening NOW through March 11, 2024! For a list of required documents and to register online visit: For in-person registration visit 234 E. Taylor Street, Griffin, GA 30224.
about 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
pre-k kids
GSCS school nursing services provided a free community screening event for students registering for Griffin-Spalding County Schools in conjunction with Pre-K registration. They provided free screenings for hearing, vision, nutrition and dental yesterday and will again tomorrow.
about 1 year ago, Adam Pugh
Free Medical Screening at GSCS Central Registration
Free Medical Screening at GSCS Central Registration
Free Medical Screening at GSCS Central Registration
Free Medical Screening at GSCS Central Registration
We need your input on GSCS Gifted Services. Please participate in this Thought Exchange. Deadline is Friday, March 15. Thank you for your thoughts!
about 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
GSCS Gifted Services Thought Exchange
GSCS is hiring numerous positions for the 2024-25 school year! Attend our Spring Job Fair on Thursday, March 21, from 4-6 p.m. at GRCCA. Register Now!
about 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
spring job fair March 21
It's School Social Work Week! Shout-out to our incredible school social workers who bring their expertise and unique educational background to our schools, creating a positive and inclusive environment for students. Thank you for advocating for student well-being. The difference you make for students and their families is immeasurable! You are the guiding light in our schools! #SSWWeek #PearlsOfWisdom
about 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
headshots of school social workers
Today is #MaintenanceWorkerAppreciationDay! Let's give a huge shout-out to these individuals who keep our schools safe, clean and functioning smoothly every single day! Thank you GSCS Maintenance Staff!
about 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
maintenance tool box with tools
2024-25 GSCS Pre-K Registration is happening NOW! Feb. 27-March 11, 2024. For a list of required documents and to register online visit: For in-person registration visit 234 E. Taylor Street, Griffin, GA 30224.
about 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
pre-k students
March is a busy month with lots of celebrations, events and holidays. Mark your calendars!
about 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
March observances
GSCS seeks Gifted Advisory Council members. Please apply by Monday, Feb. 26. Members will meet from March to May to identify areas of strengths and areas of improvement to help guide future practices. Apply at:
about 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
All GSCS schools will be closed for President's Day & Winter Break February, 19-23, 2024.
about 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
chalk board and logo
Today is National School Resource Officer Appreciation Day. Thank you to all of our school resource officers for keeping our students, staff, schools and community safe!
about 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
school hallway
We love our amazing school nurses led by School Nursing Services Supervisor Melissa Dingler, RN. Today was one more example of their continual preparation to provide excellent care for our students. Today, Jon Ramsey, President and Co-Founder of Georgia Asthma Coalition and author of Georgia Senate Bill 126, trained GSCS Nurses in emergency use of albuterol and epinephrine in the school setting. Senate Bill 126 allows schools to stock albuterol and epinephrine to be uses in perceived respiratory or allergic emergencies. He also provided stock albuterol and respiratory care supplies for our district. Thank you school nurses!
about 1 year ago, Adam Pugh
GSCS Nurses received Asthma Training
Jon Ramsey President of the Georgia Asthma Coalition providing training to GSCS school nurses
Jon Ramsey providing information about emergency treatment of asthma
Show the LOVE! Our teachers and staff are committed to serving Griffin-Spalding County students. Sometimes, we may forget to show our gratitude or appreciation. On Valentine’s Day, we're encouraging fellow employees, parents, students and community members to show love to each other using Let's Talk! Consider giving a dedicated teacher some praise, recognizing a passionate administrator or shouting out any staff member who has impacted you in any way! Click this link: There's no substitute for kind words and encouragement!
about 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
GSCS seeks Gifted Advisory Council members. Members will meet from March to May to identify areas of strengths and areas of improvement to help guide future practices. Apply from Feb. 12-26 at:
about 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools